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The future will be fueled by renewable sources of energy, or there will be no future


Energy Community Secretariat director, Mr. Janez Kopac, will take part in the first panel discussion at RES Serbia 2021 Conference, on September 15th. Along with other panelists, Mr. Kopac will share his thoughts on energy transition in Serbia as well as in our region, and also on the preconditions for achieving carbon neutrality.

– The future will be fueled by renewable sources of energy, or there will be no future. For a number of more developed nations there`s no dilemma, but in the Western Balkans, where coil is still ilusory cheap, because there`s no tax on CO2 emissions, there has to be more talks – said Mr. Kopac before  the conference.  

Mr. Kopac has been leading the Energy Community Secretariat since 2012. His mission is to extend the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework. Prior to this position, he worked as General Director for Energy at the Ministry of Economy of Slovenia for nearly 4 years. He acted as Slovenian Minister of Finance (1992) and Minister of Environment (2000-2004). Mr. Kopac holds a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Economics and a PhD from the Faculty of Social Sciences, both from the University of Ljubljana. His doctoral thesis entailed a comparative analysis of the foreign energy policy of the EU, the USA, Russia and China.


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