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The Coolest Vanity Apps for You and Your Girls
What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...
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Healthy Life
Perspektive razvoja OIE u Srbiji
Povodom Dana planete Zemlje organizovana je konferencija Serbia Goes Green na kojoj je održan panel posvećen zelenoj energiji koji je moderirala OIE Srbija. O...
Globalni dan vetra
Danas slavimo Globalni dan vetra, praznik koji se obeležava širom sveta 15. juna kako bi se povećala svest o značaju čiste energije iz obnovljivog...
Sport News
Head of EBRD’s Energy Europe team at RES Serbia 2021 conference
Grzegorz Zielinski, Head of EBRD`s Energy Europe team, will attend the RES Serbia 2021 conference, which is to take place on September 15th, 2021...
Why Growing Old Is Better Than You Think
What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...
Osnivači OIE Srbija – društveno odgovorne kompanije
U svečanoj skupštinskoj sali Opštine Kovačica danas je održana ceremonija uručenja donacija, kroz “Program podrške lokalnoj zajednici 2020/2021” u organizaciji Vetroparka Kovačica (jednog od...
SEEPEX at the RES Serbia conference
Milos Mladenovic, SEEPEX managing director will speak on a panel dedicated to the electricity market ( RES Serbia conference, September 15th).
Milos Mladenovic has graduated...
Matteo Colangeli: RES Serbia has become the key stakeholder in the national renewable energy...
European Bank for Reconstruction and development (EBRD) is the main partner of the RES Serbia 2021 conference - the same institution also strongly supported...