Home en SEEPEX at the RES Serbia conference

SEEPEX at the RES Serbia conference


Milos Mladenovic, SEEPEX managing director will speak on a panel dedicated to the electricity market ( RES Serbia conference, September 15th).

Milos Mladenovic has graduated in Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1995 at University of Belgrade. He joined EPS in 1998, working in the fields of real-time System Operation and Cross-border market. After the establishment of the Serbian TSO (EMS), starting from 2005 he has played important role in the emerging process of the electricity sector unbundling and liberalization of the Serbian electricity market, participated as a technical expert, task leader and project manager in several local and international projects related to the implementation of legal, regulatory and technical framework for the establishment and further development of the Serbian electricity market. In 2008 he becomes the Assistant General Manager for System and Market operation in EMS, taking responsibility over the System operation tasks (including transmission system planning and integration of renewable energy sources) and Electricity Market development and administration tasks performed by the Serbian TSO. In 2010 he was appointed as the Executive Manager for System and Market operation in EMS, performing executive management role for all System and Market operation issues, including connection of RES facilities to the transmission network and TSO-DSO relationship.

Starting from 2012 he has worked as a Director for International and Regulatory Affairs, at the same time performing the role of the ENTSO-E Board member and Convenor of the ENTSO-E Regional group for SEE. With comprehensive regional and European experience, as the member of the ENTSO-E Board and ENTSO-E Market Committee, as well as the chairmen of the SEE RG within ENTSO-E MC, he becomes one of the key players in the process of the SEE Electricity Market integration and EU Target Model implementation in the SEE region.

Since July 2015, he works as a Managing Director of SEEPEX (South East European Power Exchange), JSC established by EMS and EPEX SPOT. Starting from June 2019, in close cooperation with the EEX AG SEEPEX has established Serbian futures, as a first financial derivative product in WB6 region. He is also the member of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (GERE) established under the UNECE Sustainable Energy Division, at the same time participating as an independent Electricity Market and System Operation expert in several projects all over the world.


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