Home en RES Serbia at the conference “Water Air Energy”

RES Serbia at the conference “Water Air Energy”


The conference “Water Air Energy” was held at the Museum of Science and Technology.

The panel dedicated to energy was moderated by the manager of the Association RES Serbia, Danijela Isailović. The panelists were Natalija Luković and Milan Macura from the Ministry of Mining and Energy, Aleksandar Jakovljević from PE EPS, Gligo Vuković on behalf of the EU Delegation in Serbia and Aleksandar Macura on behalf of the RES Foundation. The organizer was the magazine National Geographic Serbia.

The panel discussed the decisions of the Energy Community, whose Council met in Belgrade this week, the campaign of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia “Turn Green” and the energy efficiency program. It was pointed out that there are requests for as many as 8 GW projects from wind and solar, but it was also stated that most of the requests and projects are not feasible. The panelists concluded that the situation is encouraging and that we are really turning to the green in a gradual and fair transition.

It was also said that Serbia is actually close to meeting the goal of producing and consuming 27 percent of green energy. In fact, according to the methodology according to which wood biomass entered the balance of renewable energy sources, at the beginning of 2020, Serbia produced more than 25 percent of energy from renewable energy sources, which puts us in a high position in the region.


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