Home en It is time for RES Serbia 2021 conference!

It is time for RES Serbia 2021 conference!


The first Renewable Energy Sources (OIE) Conference is fast approaching. We are delighted to announce the attendance of the leaders of the Serbian, regional and global energy transition as well as of the key players in the green energy sector. It’s time for us to introduce our esteemed keynote speakers, moderators, panelists, partners, sponsors, donors and supporters or the Summit.  Nandita Parshad, Managing Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Group, will join the event  as EBRD’s keynote speaker.

Nandita Parshad is the Managing Director, Sustainable Infrastructure at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), heading a group of 200 staff covering the energy, transport and municipal infrastructure sectors in all of the Bank’s 38 countries of operation. The Group holds a portfolio of about EUR20bn.

Nandita has 30 years’ experience in financing and investing in the energy and infrastructure sector in emerging economies such as India, Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union, Mongolia, Turkey, Middle East and North Africa. Nandita is Co-Chair of the WEF Global Future Council for Energy Transition and a Member of the Energy Transition Commission.

Prior to joining the EBRD, Nandita worked at the World Bank from 1986 – 1992.

Nandita was born in Calcutta and holds undergraduate (A.B. 1986) and graduate degrees (MPA 1988) from the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.


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